Returning to Work, at a Time like This?
If there’s one experience that we’ve all had during the pandemic, it’s that life is unpredictable. We’ve been met with changing safety measures, reopening and closing businesses, and new and misinformation everywhere we turn. Yet, as vaccines start rolling out and Covid-cases are not trending as in previous surges, there’s a glimmer of normalcy that our return to the office is not too far off.
We’ve already established that business operations will never be the same. Many organizations have already started making commitments to their people about their future of work plans. Headlines have been popping up repeatedly of ‘So and so Company Announces that They will be Fully Remote Forever.’ As leaders, we will encounter bumps, even with a set plan. We have to re-imagine from a distance how we will operate in the new way of working. However, how do you start the transition of returning to work in a time where the future is so futile?
You must answer the ‘why’ and work back from there. And having a future vision is the why.
Having a clear vision for the future of work allows you to make compelling and justified decisions rather than reactive responses. By answering the ‘why,’ you will be better equipped to communicate value for employees, develop a system for business operations, and set leaders up for success during the transition period.
Answering the ‘why’ cannot be in isolation from the people looking for the most answers. Listening to your employees and your clients is a crucial step. Consulting with your people, listening to their concerns and desired outcomes, and using these key findings will be foundational to your future of work plan.
Once you have the foundation of your future of work model, you can work backwards and tweak with different variables. Remember, a future working model isn’t a permanent decision; however, if you adopt a learning approach and stay connected to your people, you can lead with confidence and purpose.
Looking for support with developing your return to work plan? Send me an email at